Thursday, November 11, 2010



Chewing gum is a type of gum traditionally made of chicle, a natural latex product, or synthetic rubber known as polyisobutylene, which is a non-vulcanisable form of the butyl rubber used for inner tubes or to line tubeless tires. For reasons of economy and quality, many modern chewing gums use rubber instead of chicle. Chicle is nonetheless still the base of choice for some regional markets, such as in Japan.
  • FUN FACT= The United States military has regularly supplied soldiers with chewing gum since World War I because it helped both to improve the soldiers' concentration and to relieve stress.


Tootsie Rolls

In 1896, Leo Hirshfield, and Australian Immigrant to the United States, started a candy businnes. He wanted to make a candy based on chocolate that wouldn't melt and would be an economical artificial alternative to traditional chocolates.

He named this candy after his daughter's nickname Clara "tootsie" hirshfield.Later on he created the Tootsie Pop, this became popular in the Depression era, because of its low price. Also during World war II, Tootsie Rolls became a standard part of American soldiers' field rations due to the hardiness of the candy under a variety of environmnental conditions.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The lollipop was first named by George Smith, owner of a confectionery business called the Bradley Smith Company. George Smith named the stick candy after his favorite race horse Lolly Pop. It was created around the 1920's, by Samuel Born a Russian immigrant who invented a lollipop making machine. In 1916, San Francisco gave the ingenious candy maker the keys to the city for inventing the Born Sucker Machine. The machine mechanically inserted sticks into lollipops.

This recipe of making lollipops will take you around 20 minutes tops. I've used this recipe ever since I was 6 years old, I hope you enjoy it.
Lollipops are an old-fashioned sugar candy favorite. You can vary the colors or flavors to suit your tastes. Make sure you have an accurate candy thermometer for this recipe!


  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup light corn syrup
  • ¼ cup water
  • ¾ tsp extract of your choice (vanilla, mint, cinnamon, coconut, etc)
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Lollipop molds and sticks


1. Prepare your molds by spraying them with nonstick cooking spray and inserting lollipop sticks into the molds.
2. Combine the sugar, corn syrup, and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Insert the candy thermometer and stir until sugar dissolves.
3. Allow to boil, without stirring, until candy reaches 295 degrees (hard-crack stage).
4. Once the candy reaches 295, remove it from heat. Stir in the extract of your choice, and, if desired, food coloring.
5. Spoon the candy into the mold cavities, making sure to cover the back of the stick.
6. Allow to cool completely and remove once hardened.


Everyone loves sweets specially me! I'm a sweets addict, I love eating chocolate and candy whenever I can, any kind of candy, from all over the world will put a smile on my face. I think that learning about candies all over the world can help us realize that we all have something in common; everyone loves sweets. Every chocolate bar, candy wrapper, or lollipop stick, takes time and dedication. Learning about every country's sweets will be very      delicious!