Thursday, October 14, 2010


Traditional food from Egypt
Ful mudammas- "fava bean," is often eaten for breakfast. Is a kind of dried fava bean stew, is considered the Egyptian national dish. I researched on this dish and found a very detailed recipe that I tried my self and it tasted delicious!
 Makes 10 servings
Preparation Time: 2 days in all

3pounds small dried fava beans (about 6 cups), picked over and soaked in water to cover 24 hours
1large onion, chopped
2large ripe tomatoes, chopped
3/4cup dried red lentils, picked over and rinsed
2 1/2quarts cold water
Salt to taste

1. Drain the fava beans. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the fava beans, and boil them until they are soft enough to have their peels removed, about 10 to 15 minutes. Drain, then remove the peel by gently squeezing each bean so the skin pops off or by using a paring knife.
2. Place the peeled fava beans in a stewpot with the onion, tomatoes, and lentils and cover with the water. Bring to a gentle boil, skim the top of foam and reduce the heat to very low or place on a heat diffuser. Cover and cook for 12 hours. Don't lift the cover at all during the entire cooking time, otherwise the beans will discolor.
3. The cooked fava beans can be eaten whole, slightly mashed, or completely mashed. Season with salt. Serve with extra virgin olive oil, corn oil, melted butter, samna (clarified butter), tomato sauce, garlic sauce, basturma (sun-dried spice-rubbed beef fillet available in Middle Eastern markets), fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs, freshly squeezed lime juice, or béchamel sauce.

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