Thursday, September 9, 2010

South America

South America is a land full of intense flavors and traditions. The cuisine of this continent varies from one country to the other, but they all have in common a love for traditional recipes which are passed from generation to generation.

                                 Traditional foods in Venezuela

Arepa- The arepa is a flat corn patty, which can be baked, grilled, or fried. It was created by the Timoto-cuicas, an indian tribe in Venezuela. The arepa can be topped or filled with meat, cheese, chicken, egg, ham..etc.


  1. I love this!!!! I read your blog when I was just waking up, I ended up starving and having to go make myself some food. The pictures of the foods look great, and I really like how you are splitting it up into different countries and their foods. Gives a good idea and presentation of the culture's of these country's out there. :) - coco

  2. Can this be found in other parts of South America besides Venezuela? I have friends who have mentioned this food but I never knew what it really was. I love learning about different parts of the world. I want to travel more when I grow up. This will be an interesting blog because many people are unaware of foods around the world. I'm curious to if you have ever tried these foods. Maybe you can add your opinion on some.

  3. I'm obsessed with arepas. They're amazing and i love putting different things inside of them. I made them the other day. This just made me really hungry and now i want some. I think this is going to be very interesting since i love food, especially from different countries.

  4. Thank you guys for the comments :D And yes Arepas can be found all over the world but in diferent forms, some can be flat others thick. I love arepas I eat them every morning, they are amazing :D

  5. Actually I know of a rather peculiar story concerning Arepas. A friend of mine is a member of a family of five (both parents plus three sons), native to the beautiful country of Venezuela.
    The three brothers were all at completely different stages of their lives when the family was forced to move to the U.S. The different culture infiltrated the youngest the most, who was only recently born before the big move.
    The eldest, barely affected eats his Arepas traditionally with queso blanco (white cheese), the second eats his differently with Velveeta or cheese whiz, a bit less customary but still amply used in Venezuela. The little one invented a completely different way to eat his. A true American eats his Arepas with nothing more than peanut butter and jelly.

  6. Your blog makes me really hungry I don't really like south american food even though Im colombian but I do fancy my arepas.
    I love filling my mine with butter and feta cheese
    nom nom nom nom

  7. I have never tried an arepa before but I have heard nice things baout them. Also, the food on the rest of this blog also looks delicious! I think I will try out some of these yummy foods.
