Thursday, September 9, 2010

South America

                                             Traditional Food of Colombia

Bandeja Paisa- abundant amount of food of different ingredients, this is why this dish can't be serve in plate, and its served in a platter or tray. The bandeja paisa was influenced by many cultures that inhabitated colombia throughout the centuries, such as the Spaniards and Africans.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was my first impression when I saw this platter. I mean this is no typical plate, this is like breakfast, lunch and dinner put together. It has a lot of variety for one single plate. I think it's amazing. And, I'm not only saying this, because I'm colombian, I'm speaking from past experiences. Although, not all Bandejas Paisas are exactly the same, they all share some common things. I mean this platter varies depending on the region, and the people that make it. Honestly, I love this platter. I really like how everything is put together to satisfy an empty stomach.
