Thursday, September 30, 2010


Traditional Foods from Italy

Pizza-is an oven-baked, flat, disc-shaped bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese (usually mozzarella) and various toppings depending on the culture. I love homemade pizza because its not grease, and because its made from fresh ingredients. Pizzas can be served with diferent kinds of toppings, depending on the consumer.


  1. I think that this is a traditional food in maybe more places then just Italy. Although maybe that's where it originated, im not positive. I wonder how pizzas in different places across the globe vary. I know I only like cheese pizza, but its interesting to think how many combination of things can be made. I would have liked to see maybe more information on the history of Pizza, as well as how it is original to that country. This posting is keeping the readers wondering about more. I like that you did a blog posting on a food that is very common though. (:

  2. I also love pizza! it just always seems to be the perfect meal to me! I'm not one to try new things on pizza. I stick to my favorite, pepperoni pizza! I don't see how someone can eat pineapples ,chicken or even barbaque sauce on a pizza. I feel that it ruins the whole idea of pizza.

  3. I love pizza! I believe it originates in Italy, if I stand corrected. Although "Americanized" pizza is extremely delicious, pizza made in Europe has to be better that pizza made here. Because this is where it was first created and popped in the oven. I have never visited Italy, or even Europe for that matter, and have therefore never tried pizza from this region. I can imagine it is as appetizing as pizza from anywhere else in the world.
